They say, that the most precious treasures of every company are the people. That’s why the key feature of ONE (and it is also true for TemplateMonster) is its tech support team. The other unique offers of the subscription are also very cool, but only the quality of tech support can show you how much does the company care about its clients.

To help you know the tech support team better, I gathered the most interesting questions about their work and listed it in an FAQ compilation. Then I went to the most knowing person of the team – Head of Customer Support, Paul Krakowsky, and asked him those questions. So, here are the answers he gave me.
How many people are there in the ONE Tech Support Team?
Our professional Support Team includes highly qualified and trained experts who have in-depth knowledge of multifarious product lines, covering both CMS templates and eCommerce templates. There are 18 first-class specialists with tremendous experience and passion to resolve technical issues and puzzles of any level of complexity with a strong motivation and desire to find a solution thus help every client. Even if they have to move mountains to get to the solution they will do so. All our experts are 100% customer-focused and dedicated to the highest level of customer service having an individual approach to each client.
What are the ways the client could get some support?
Our customers may connect and communicate through various channels to receive support: 24/7 ticket system, email, contact form, help center with self-service guides and video tutorials. There is also an opportunity to receive premium and extended support with access to priority service, phone support, Skype, and remote assistance tools and various customization and maintenance services.
How many requests (and what kind of requests) does a Tech Support Team member proceed daily?
Any experienced specialist can process from 20 to 40 technical requests per day. The resolution time depends on the nature and severity of the issue, complexity of the project and individual requirements of the client. Specialists are ready to work overtime to promptly and successfully satisfy all the needs, concerns, queries and suggestions from our clients. If the client has a deadline to meet, we will do everything we can to meet that deadline. We always try to treat our clients the same way we would like to be treated.
How many time does it take on average to solve some client’s problem?
All customer requests in the ticket system are usually replied within 24 hours or less, covering both weekdays and weekends. As for premium support, the response time takes approximately 2 to 4 hours. The resolution time depends on the scale and complexity of an issue, but the majority of the service requests are completed within 24-48 hours.
Does the Tech Support Team have any vacation days?
Our Support Team works around the clock 24/7/365 with no pauses for nights, weekends or holidays. We stand on guard, for our clients!
What are the most common problems people need help with?
Our clients come to us for support with technical problems of various levels of complexity, that have emerged at different stages of site development, starting from installing the product, editing color scheme, replacing logo or making basic CSS changes to customizing complex modules, WPML translation and responsiveness issues, fixing admin panel and database errors, cross-browser issues etc. Sometimes we help with the GDPR. For ONE we will provide not only general support but also different services, so the variety of tasks will be wider.
Are there any rating systems that help you to estimate the team's efficiency?
There are numerous rating and ranking systems used in technical support service to appraise staff performance and decide on rewards. These miscellaneous systems encourage first-class, friendly and uncompromising customer care and technical service and cover important aspects such as speed of reply, the speed of resolution, quality of communication, quality of technical explanations, ratings and feedback from clients and lots of others.
Is there anything that you do to improve support services?
We improve support services and conditions for our clients so they will stay with us and will use our products and services. We scrupulously study customer journey and user experience. We learn from our mistakes and customer feedback and we strive to improve our services. We go an extra mile every time our clients need it the most. We continue to enhance our internal systems, processes, and procedures. We are proud of the diversity of our clients and enjoy the honor of working with them. We love what we do and love our clients... and we do hope that this feeling is mutual.
A few non-technical questions
When my conversation with Paul was finished, I thought that my impression of the tech support team is not complete, if I ignore other team members. So I took a little walk along the Tech Support open space and hunted some Customer Support Managers that had a bit of time to spare. I asked some non-technical questions to find out some interesting facts about their work. I guess you will be interested to know more about the people who could help fix your issue.
The first one who fell into my clutches was Judy. She was having a coffee break when I caught her.
How friendly are the members of the team to each other?
It might be really hard to work in a non-friendly environment. There’s lots of mutual help, emotional support, and knowledge sharing in our team. You can’t do everything by yourself and teamwork is extremely important. When you spend at least 8 hours a day with some people it is obvious you start meeting them outside of the work environment. You make friends, share your interests and hobbies, go for a drink or to the gym together. I have tonnes of photos with my colleagues from our hikes to the mountains and to the lakeside. In such kind of atmosphere, you just have no chance to stay strangers with others.
What was the most difficult case you have ever solved for a client?
Oh, you know, I'm always working with extremely complicated cases (come on, I’m the customer care manager). Every time I have to do my best so no one feels offended and the situation solves peacefully. I really don't remember a case where everything was easy-peasy.
After that, I had a little chat with Vincent White.
What types of clients are most for you to talk to?
Those ones that are ready for some mutual trust. This kind of client relies on my skills and understands that I want to help them as fast as it is possible. When the problem occurs, my "dream client" describes what happened in details and cooperates with me to define what could cause the error. Every product has some technical limits, and in some cases, I can’t solve the problem in the current terms and conditions. The client that understand I'm not some kind of telepath or shaman is the type that I love.
How much time did it take you to become a Tech Support expert?
You know, to understand what actually tech support is you have to spend at least a year. And to become a really cool specialist you need about 2-3 years. However, I have to mention that the process of self-development is everlasting – you can always find some new goals to achieve.
Facebook people
As you maybe know ONE has a community on Facebook and members can ask their questions there as well. To provide fast support on Facebook, a part of the Tech Support Team is monitoring the community. Here they are:
- ONE Support Team Lead - Alice Weasley
- Technical Support Manager - Tetiana Morozova
- Senior Support Manager - Ryan Dewitt
- Senior Support Manager - Vincent White
- Senior Support Manager - Margarithe Kotnenko
- Technical Support Manager - Valeria Kuberskaya
- Technical Support Manager - Snezhana Koldayeva
- Senior Support Manager - Arsen Arutiunov
- Technical Support Manager - Lena Chernovol
- Technical Support Manager - Tatyana Byzyura
- Technical Support Manager - Sergey Gamza
- Technical Support Manager - Andrey Muntyanov
- Head of Customer Support - Paul Krakowsky
Wrapping up
I hope this kind of "interview" gave you some hints about how the ONE by TemplateMonster Tech Support Team works. When you know someone better it is easier to get along with him and trust him. TM Tech Support Team is worth your trust and I hope this article helped you to believe in that statement.
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