How To Fail At Product Hunt Marketing? [Free eBook]

Have you ever surfed the internet and found some unbelievable Product Hunt marketing tips? If you have, you probably shared it with your friends or relatives immediately. Similarly, in our childhood, we shouted, “Look what I found!” before passing a stone to another child that lived next door.

In fact, now you can share a product to a broad audience by putting it on a Product Hunt list. What is Product Hunt? It is a website where users discover and share some stuff they found on the internet. You also can leave comments and vote for some of the products. It is evident that this platform is a powerful promotion tool and you can use it for your own brand too.

However, not every brand successfully launches on Product Hunt. You have only one chance for every product, and competition is fierce. Items are rated every day, and you have 24 hours to hit the top or be cast out. As you can see, it is easy to fail in this race. To help you and maximize the chances of success we wrote this eBook.

How To Fail At Product Hunt Marketing? [Free Ebook]

What's Inside Product Hunt Marketing Guide?

It will answer the next questions:

  • Why is marketing at Product Hunt a good idea?
  • What mistakes should I avoid?
  • Why are preparation and communication so important?
  • What is the best time to submit your product?
  • How do I use other social media in Product Hunt marketing?

We gathered only concrete, practical pieces of advice for this eBook. Following the tips won’t guarantee you a successful launch, but they will undoubtedly increase your chances of getting to the top. To become a superstar, you will have to focus, make your product awesome, and be ready to improvise.

Don't forget to check out our marketing agency templates and other free ebooks.

Good luck!

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Elizabeth Thistle

A passionate WordPress monster since 2018. Loves professionally built website templates, is Elementor Page Builder fan and becomes extremely curious when it comes to trying some new site creation tools. Quora account

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